Are you meditating often since the beginning of this year?

6 min readJan 28, 2021


Are you wondering why you’re not feeling in the mood to do the things that you used to love doing at one point in time? What about always feeling tired and exhausted; not in your right state of mind to begin completing your goals you had written down on January 1st?

Did the excitement you had when you were writing down your New Years Resolutions, all of a sudden just fade away? If you answered yes, then this could be a major problem, which can also effect how you start and end your days. I recently read up on an amazing informative brochure that I invested in, that helps you get an idea of the different ways we use our energy and power within ourselves and others around us. It is called the Chakra Guide.

Personally, I am so glad I invested in this! It gives you a very detailed concept of the importance of the chakra system. There are seven main chakras that each of us use and need that make up the entire system like the mind, body, and soul. In total there are twelve, but we are going to talk about the main seven. Meditation is an important thing we all should do daily to help us balance out our energies.

Being off balanced is not the best feeling and it can cause us to lose focus on everyday life circumstances. You won’t get much done, you can’t think clearly, you can’t make good decisions, etc. Did you know that when you are in relationships, and constantly changing partners this is totally throw off your chakras? This is because you are exchanging energy from you to the other person, that’s why many say be careful who you let into your bed. Whatever bad, negative, or toxic energies they may be carrying within themselves is now yours. Whatever emotional baggage is now yours. So, please please please protect your energy at all times!

The seven main chakras that we all need to practice strengthening are listed below:

  1. The Root Chakra

The root chakra is the first which is considered the foundation of our survival instincts. It is located at the base of the spine, perineum, and pelvic plexus. There are ways that you can check to see if your chakra is balanced or imbalanced. A balanced root chakra should always be a solid foundation for the other six chakras that are above this one. An imbalanced root chakra can easily be detected if you are showing signs of sudden fear and anxiety. There can also be signs of physical symptoms like lower back pain, constipation and prostate problems. It’s good to do things that connect with nature to help strengthen it.

Crystals you should get to activate/open your chakras: All red gemstones, especially ones like ruby

2. The Sacral Chakra

This chakra is a symbol of a lotus flower with six petals. It is located above the pubic bone and below the navel. Physically this chakra is in charge of your mentality, creativity, and emotions. It regulates our emotions and thoughts. When this chakra is unblocked it can help you with developing healthy relationships and interactions with people. If unbalanced then depression is likely to set in. To balance out your sacral chakra it is good to practice healing and self-love so that you can be better at expressing your emotions and communicating with others.

Crystals you should get to activate/open your chakras: Moonstone

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra

This third chakra, in my opinion is one of the most important chakras. It is located between the navel and solar plexus. This chakra is sometimes called the “Power Chakra”. It is in charge of our willpower and who we are, in other words, our identity. This chakra supports your self-discipline and confidence. A healthy solar plexus is one who is steady and positive. However, and imbalanced third chakra causes a person to have uncontrolled emotional outbursts and show signs of obsessive behavior. It also shows signs of low self-esteem, inability to make decisions and anger. To correct the way your solar plexus chakra is functioning try changing your diet to more healthier foods and also get plenty of rest.

Crystals you should get to activate/open your chakras: Citrine, golden feldspar, imperial topaz

4. The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is also an important chakra. In fact, they all are important! However, certain chakras work better than others. This chakra is located in the center of the chest and heart area. It’s all about love, compassion, generosity, forgiveness, and understanding with this chakra. When you have a balanced heart chakra it allows easy communication and interchange with others. When this is closed off, it can cause a person to express themselves in physical illness, extreme jealousy, fear of intimacy, suspicion, and paranoid isolation. If you feel your heart chakra may be off balanced, then it is good idea to practice forgiveness, kindness, and acceptance.

Crystals you should get to activate/open your chakras: Emerald, moss agate, green aventurine, jade, peridot

5. The Throat Chakra

This chakra symbolizes expression and communication mainly when one is speaking truthfully and with compassion. It is located by the area of the throat. Energetic connections also belong to this chakra. Your ideas and thoughts can be brought into reality. A balanced throat chakra is all about self-expression, purpose of life, creativity, and personal authenticity. If your throat chakra is off balance, it can cause you to have a lack in verbal control, inability to listen, excessive fear of speaking, lying and extreme shyness. To balance out your throat chakra you can do things like singing, humming, listening to music and nature.

Crystals you should get to activate/open your chakras: Aquamarine, lapis lazuli, larimar, blue topaz

6. The Third Eye Chakra

This chakra helps to generate clarity of thought, spiritual contemplation, and self reflection. It can provide intuitive insight, wisdom, and guidance. It is located between the eyebrows. When this chakra is off balance you can have signs of headaches poor eyesight, and forgetfulness. What you can do to strengthen your third eye chakra is meditation, and sitting in sunshine and bright light can help. If your third eye chakra is weak you may lack in showing empathy to others, lack of common sense, and difficulty in understanding all things spiritual.

Crystals you should get to activate/open your chakras: Blue sapphire, tourmaline, lapis lazuli, blue quartz

7. The Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. It promotes experience from every single thing that ever happened to you in life. It is self-realization and absolute unity/oneness. It also represents inner peace and profound spiritual equanimity. When your crown chakra is off balanced it can cause depression and a loss of faith within you. A blocked crown chakra causes a lack of purpose in life, feelings of meaninglessness which can then lead to depression and even mental disorders. To get your crown chakra balanced out one should practice breathing techniques and yoga.

Crystals you should get to activate/open your chakras: Diamond, amethyst, selenite, sugilite

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of meditation and protecting our energies, if you or someone you know have been experiencing a loss of interest in things and even life itself, it is a very good idea to start some meditation. Whether they are classes or sessions that you create on your own right in the comfort of your home. Meditating can make a huge difference in the way you think, speak, feel, and eat.

Thanks for reading!

Talk soon, Mira.




Written by Mira


Here to express my ideas and thoughts on different subjects and topics on everyday life situations. The good, the bad, the ugly, & most importantly the truth.

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